Ingersoll Rand 125 Air Needle Scaler, 4,600bpm

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Ingersoll Rand 125 Air Needle Scaler, 4,600bpm : $393 AUD ($432 Inc. GST)
This Ingersoll Rand pneumatic needle scaler 125 gives a high power performance that will rapidly remove and chip away at any debris, making it capable of peeling an area back to bare metal in seconds.
By using compressed air power it allows the pistons and needles to create a motion that reduces the amount of time it takes to strip paint from metal surfaces. This diverse tool is excellent for getting into tight hard to reach spaces and is ideal for metal work applications such as automotive, bridge maintenance, ships or even home repair.
Technical Specifications
Category Scalers
BPM 4600
Avg. Air Consumption (CFM) 8
Length 465mm
Powerful 4,600 blows per minute at free speed
Withstands everyday heavy usage
19 needles
Max pressure 110psi
Low air consumption at 8cfm allows for small portable compressors
Has a rapid light blow to reduce deforming or marking the work
Easy to operate, fast tool changes
Heat treated needles are more durable and give lower operating costs
approx. shipping weight: 3.2kg (Tool weight 2.8kg)
Pack Dimensions -LWH: 32cm x 14cm x 6cm approx
CAPS Australia offer a wide range of air compressors, power generators & tools. Available all around Australia, with 9 branches located nationwide.
Engineered around your needs, all of our compressors & power generators are built tough for Australian conditions and are backed by our 24/7 service guarantee. Whatever you need, we've got you covered, easy access to over 35 years of local hands-on technical expertise, global capabilities and our renowned aftermarket service programs.
CAPS Australia is proudly 100% Australian owned.
Our Range:
Our precision engineered, European-designed compressor range includes:
• Ingersoll Rand reciprocating, rotary screw and centrifugal air compressors (4.6 – 28200 cfm)
• Airman portable diesel air compressors (55 - 1800 cfm)
• CAPS reciprocating & rotary screw air compressors (6.3 – 1910 cfm)
• Oil free air compressors (27 – 28200 cfm)
• Kohler & Airman Power Generators (10.5 - 4200 kVA)
• Ingersoll Rand & CAPS Tools
• Air Treatment Equipment & Accessories
Our service solutions include:
• Servicing (Compressors and Power Generators)
• Extensive spare parts
• Compressed air audits
• Installation and commissioning
Custom Solutions
CAPS has its own ISO9001 certified manufacturing facility that can modify a compressor to suit your needs. Even the toughest Mine Site specifications can be met.
Your local team of experts will guide and assist you in choosing the right equipment for the job. Call us today!